The Government has announced, via a Statement from the Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government that it is proposed that new regulations - The Town and Country Planning General Permitted Development (England) (Amendment) Oder 2018 will come into force on 6th April 2018. These new regulations particularly effecting permitted developments under ‘Class Q’ which relates to the conversion of agricultural buildings to residential use.

This revised planning guidance could bring fresh hope for some previously rejected schemes under these regulations.

The main changes proposed that up to 5 units can be created now be from existing agricultural buildings on a farm, to residential use, rather than the 3 allowed at present allowing either:  

  • 3 larger homes within a maximum of 465 square metres;
  • 5 smaller homes each no larger than 100 square metres;
  • A mixture, within a total of no more than 5 homes, of which no more than 3 may be larger homes

The rights will still be subject to conditions and limitations to control impact and will be subject to a prior determination process where required.

Current government policy appears increasingly in favour of the conversion of agricultural buildings to residential use to increase housing stock. This policy giving significant opportunities to our clients with suitable agricultural buildings.

We are happy to discuss any planning requirements or opportunities in confidence and without obligation. 

Contact Jonathan Malings at Butler Sherborn 01285 883740 or

cotswolds mist

Mrs Tucker June 2020

Butler Sherborn was a delight and pleasure to work with. Once again thank you so much for all you help and exceeding our expectations and much more.
— Nicki and Brian Lee