Complaints Procedure
Butler Sherborn LLP Complaints Handling Procedure (Updated 8 July 2022)
Complaints Procedure
If you ever have any reason to raise an issue or make a complaint, which cannot be dealt with by your immediate point of contact in Butler Sherborn, we invite you make a “formal complaint” and refer to this complaints handling procedure (CHP) which is also found on our website www.butlersherborn.co.uk. Formal complaints can be made by clients and anyone else who we owe a duty of care to.
As a regulated RICS firm, we have in place a CHP, which meets the regulatory requirements. This procedure also complies with requirements of The Property Ombudsman. Our CHP has two stages. Stage one of the CHP gives our firm the opportunity to review and consider your complaint in full. Our firm will try to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction. If you are not happy with our response, you will have the opportunity to take your complaint to stage two. Stage two gives you the opportunity to have your complaint reviewed and considered by an independent redress provider, approved by RICS.
Stage One Verbal and written complaints which are dealt with formally through the CHP will be recorded by Butler Sherborn when they are made. Where the complaint is initially made orally, the complainant will be requested to send a written summary of their complaint to Richard Greasby (or an elected senior colleague if the complaint relates to work undertaken by him). We ask that you put your complaint in writing to make sure that we have a full understanding of the reasons for your complaint. Please send your written complaint to:
Richard Greasby, Butler Sherborn LLP, 43 -45 Castle Street, Cirencester, Glos. GL7 1QD 01285 883740 richard@butlersherborn.co.uk www.butlersherborn.co.uk
All written formal complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 3 working days. Within 15 working days of receipt of the written summary, the person dealing with the complaint will write to the complainant to inform them of the outcome of the investigation into the complaint. If a full response cannot be reasonably given within 15 working days a written update will be provided within that time followed by the full response as soon as possible thereafter.
If the Complainant remains dissatisfied, you will have the option of referring to the appropriate redress scheme (see Stage Two below) OR for the complaint to be referred to another partner within Butler Sherborn (who is not involved with the transaction) for review. The conclusions of that review will be sent to the Complainant within 15 working days of that request in writing.
Stage Two Following the conclusions of our investigation in Stage One, a written statement of our final view and any agreed remedies will be sent to the Complainant. This will include how the matter can be referred to a redress scheme and that such a referral should be within 12 months of these final conclusions. The redress schemes available and their contact details are as follows: -
The Property Ombudsman (for consumer clients) Millford House, 43-55 Millford Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 2BP t.01722 333306 e.admin@tpos.co.uk w. www.tpos.co.uk
RICS Dispute Resolution Service (for business clients) 55 Colmore Row, Birmingham, B3 2AA t. 020 7334 3806 e.drs@rics.org w.www.rics.org/drs